Hi there
Its not bad remix. But the instruments you are using are pretty primitive. Have you tried using sytrus ? It has a lot of nice basses and syths and strings. You could also use it to make your own sounds. Or use the 3osc to create nice sound.
You beat is not really bad. About the high hats, just fill you whole line , and lower the volume of of the less important ones to create effects. You used you high hats like " tictictic .. paure ... tictic tic ". If you use them over the whole way , you'll have a more humanlike effect. Try not to stack reverbs and normals in numbers like this.
You melody is not bad. just the bells that you are using give a weird effect. They are kinda the wrong instruments in the wrong number if you know what i mean.
Anyways this is a good first attempt at Fruityloops. My first songs sucked waaaaaay harder than this.
If you need any help just PM me. I'll be glad to help you out. I like supporting new artist.
Sorry for not writing a lot of possitive ^^ but the review is already long enough as it is.
Greetz Duba
( Please take a minute to check out my latest, BassForAddicts )